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Photo Books

Discover our selection of the latest photo books, artists’s book and photography catalogues. International publishers’ releases are listed in our global agenda that is managed by our team of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Louis Vuitton City Guide Arles

This summer, Louis Vuitton is publishing a collector’s edition of its Arles City Guide in association with the Rencontres de la photographie festival.…

Le Monde d’après, by Thierry Girard

The book is built on the assembly of these two lines of forces (black and white Leica in the 80s, color in medium digital format now) merged into a single…

La Comète, Rosetta’s journey

The Eyes and La Comète with Editions Xavier Barral presents the installation "The Comet, Rosetta’s journey". The opening will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2019 from 6:30pm.…

Mois de la Photo-OFF Bookstore

Artéfact partners with Mois de la Photo-off to create an ephemeral bookstore dedicated to photo books. The exhibition space will present editions as an object of art and collections. You…

Horst P. Horst, A legend of Style

Find the the new catalogue focused on Horst P. Horst and published by Silvana Editoriale in the bookshop of the gallery. Critical text by Susanna Brown, Curator of Photography Department from…


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