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ESO.bdr – MADE SOLID : Rusty Long : Smooth Entrance


Gene Lemuel‘s ESO.bdr with MADE SOLID in Los Angeles present for a month from May 11 the work of Rusty Long, a surfer, journalist, writer and photographer. He writes:

From the first step into the water to the initial glide onto a wave, a Smooth Entrance determines so many of the sequential moments. It sets the correct pace.

Surfing, like so many other things, is about flowing with the elements present. In the case of the ocean, the elements obviously don’t stop moving. They come from all directions, constantly morphing, undulating and evolving. Flowing with this ocean energy is intuitive, it is hard, but over time it can become innate with enough dedication.

At the core of this surfing passion, lifestyle or even obsession is the simple connection between Individual, Surfboard and Wave. It is very basic, personal and pure unto your own perception. Grab your board craft of choice, jump in the water, enjoy the nature, glide onto that wave and transform into an ulterior space.

The process grasps you into its clutch unlike many things. It uplifts the psyche; it tests physical and mental abilities, and almost always puts a smile on the face. Such is the joy of this simple act with infinite possibilities in approach.

It is extraordinary the lengths we Surfers go to glide on these waves and lives that get built from it. I have spent 25 years traveling the world on this pursuit to ride the best waves out there as the focal point to expand from. It’s taken me from the remote corners to the ultra urban vortexes and everything in between, and given me a treasure trove of memories and friendships.

Photographing these waves in their pinnacle moments of symmetry and perfection, the often stunning landscapes that surround where they break, the array of characters that dedicate so much of their lives to this path, and the masterfully crafted equipment that ties it all together, have been the things that primarily caught my eye.  This particular collection is a distilled look into this.

Rusty Long


Rusty Long : Smooth Entrance
From May 11th, 2024 for a month
Opening reception is May 11th, 2024 at 7 pm

4855 Fountain avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029
IG @rustylong

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