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Ruben van Schalm



A Visual Journey: Dutch Artist Ruben van Schalm’s Photography Series Reflects Strength, Solitude, and Vulnerability

Ruben van Schalm is pleased to present his latest journey, a captivating photography series titled “Change”, This series delves into the profound connection between humanity and the natural world. Through striking black-and-white photographs, van Schalm invites viewers on a transformative journey, exploring themes of beauty, power, vulnerability, and the inevitability of change.

Driven by a deep fascination with the delicate interplay between humanity and nature, van Schalm’s work serves as a visual dialogue, reflecting our interconnectedness with the environment. Through his lens, he captures the essence of change – a cycle of shock, anger, acceptance, and commitment – mirroring his personal journey through grief, transformation, and inspiration.

In Change, van Schalm expertly intertwines the raw beauty of nature with the human male form, showcasing the power and resilience inherent in both. Each photograph serves as a testament to the transformative power of life’s only constant: change.

Ruben van Schalm | Change – Life’s constant state of movement May 12—June 15, 2024

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