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Dimitris Yeros –Shades of Love


Shades of Love is a new book of photographs by Dimitris Yeros. In the 2011 July-September issue of Zoom magazine, Cristina Franzoni wrote: “Dimitris Yeros was born in 1948 in Greece in a small town at the foot of Mount Elicona in an Arcadian paradise. From the window of his house he even had a view of Parnassus. In this favorable environment is someone more spontaneously drawn to painting, photography and poetry? Who knows. But the fact remains that Dimitris Yeros is an eclectic, extroverted, innovative artist. He started painting at fifteen, doing portraits of his friends to learn technique.

He chose the most attractive physically and had them strip naked. So he got to know the human body early on. His art seemed provocative to conservative Greek eyes, not to mention the perplexed reaction of his old-school parents who saw his bedroom door closed and, on the canvas, “scandalous” drawings of young naked bodies. The nude and beauty—cornerstones of Greek art through the centuries—have always bewitched Yeros, including when he began to photograph with a small “Jupiter” brand camera. Then he moved to Athens, honed his technique and became part of the avant- garde, showing, at first, surprising body and video art and performances.”

Shades of Love
Foreword by Eduard Albee. Introduction by John Wood.
The book has 170 large pages, 31 x 26 cm, with thick cloth binding and a dust jacket. It contains 67 photographs taken by Dimitris Yeros to illustrate an equal number of poems by C.P. Cavafy.
Price: €60

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