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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Maxime Michelet

My sisters and brothers In the family albums, the first photos, proofs of our existence, do not represent us alone. In a bubble bath, […]…

Jacques Villière

Reminaissance Reminaissance, do not look for this word, it does not appear in any dictionary, do not look either with which filters I treated […]…

Michael Jantzen

Interrogating the Meaning of Houses, Churches, and Chairs Interrogating the Meaning of Houses, Churches, and Chairs, is a series of photos that play with […]…

Monika K. Adler

Nostalgia The photography series ‘Nostalgia’ tells the story of an immigrant’s remembrance of a life disrupted by war. Cold earth and blackened gun-metal. Taking […]…

Antonio Denti

A Longing for the Desert (Kingdom of Bahrain) Oil economy – with its huge wealth (a blessing and damnation) – has carpeted the immense Arabic desert of […]…


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