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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

La Résidence BMW 2013

Sed interdum, justo vel lobortis tincidunt, turpis augue venenatis ipsum, a pulvinar mi enim a enim. Aenean ac est est. Maecenas mollis enim sit amet justo suscipit condimentum. Cras dapibus…

Ishiuchi Miyako

Miyako Ishiuchi has been awarded the 2014 Hasselblad Award. This is one of the most important and prestigious photography prizes in the world today. Previous winners include Lee Friedlander (2005), Jeff…

New York: Robin Rice Gallery

Lance W. Clayton is a native of Logan, Utah. A self-taught commercial photographer by trade, Clayton began photography in his adolescent years "to pass the time," which then evolved into his…

A Passage With Penn

It was 1980 - I was 27 and I wrote to Irving Penn, asking if I might come and see him. I had just returned to New York from four…

Irving Penn

Irving Penn is the photographer who impressed me the most. He was the biggest perfectionist, the most intransigent photographer I ever met. I met him several times. The first was in…

Venezia: Palazzo Grassi

The exhibition The Illusion of Light explores the physical, aesthetic, symbolic, philosophical and political stakes of an essential dimension of human experience that has also been, since (at least) the Renaissance,…


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