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PhotographyNude photography

Arto Pazat

The human being as elusive dimension, incomprehensible. The size of the human language. The beauty (I say beautiful because I have never been able either to photograph or keep a…

Alec Dawson

Diplopia is the abnormal perception of two simultaneous images of a single object that may disrupt balance, movement, or sanity. Through his photographs, Alec Dawson splits women’s naked bodies in…

Sydney : Alexia Sinclair

In her latest series, ‘Rococo’, Australian fine art photographer Alexia Sinclair has gone back to the 18th Century, and the Court of Versailles with the protagonist, the flamboyant Madame de Pompadour. Alexia…

Irving S. T. Garp

Some of the models sometimes want to try to get photographed naked. But the fact of showing their body bothers them. It's not modesty or shyness that holds them from…

Erica Simone

"Nue York: Self-Portraits of a Bare Urban Citizen" bloomed from an initial questioning about clothing and its importance in society today. Fashion and what we wear act as a language:…

Special Books : Tom Kelley

In 1948, celebrity photographer Tom Kelley took a photograph of an out-of-work actress; a nude posed with arm outstretched against a scarlet background. That actress was Marilyn Monroe.…

Polaroids by Carlo Mollino

In a career that spanned more than four decades, Carlo Mollino designed buildings, homes, furniture, cars, aircraft. One of the most dashing figures of mid-century Italy, Mollino was famed for…

Madrid :

Nakedness is exciting, fascinating - but it can also be disturbing. Kenneth Clark, the English art historian, made the distinction between ‘nude’ and ‘naked’ - the nude is posed, confident, contrived,…


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