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Phillip Toledano : When Man

Hamburg Triennale presents a retrospective of work by Phillip Toledano, “When Man Falls” at the House of Photography, Deichtorhallen Hamburg June  18th–  September 6th 2015. The Day will Come is…

Getxo Photo 2014

It takes undeniable courage for a Yemeni woman to forcefully assert her fierce opposition to the way in which Muslim fundamentalists make women disappear to vanishing point. This denial, which…

Getxo Photo 2014

When the water rises the fish eat the ants; when the water falls, the ants eat the fish. In his illustration of the Cambodian proverb, this experienced photojournalist, accustomed to carrying out personal projects associated with thematic and even philosophical…

Gaspésie 2014: Rencontres

Through mid-September, those who set out to discover the Gaspé Peninsula and its magnificent landscapes will be able to visit twenty exhibitions spread out across its 800-kilometer area. At galleries…

Gaspésie 2014

Coming from Montreal, Highway 132 passes along the St. Lawrence River, continues on until Percé Rock, turns towards Chaleur Bay, rises up to the Matapedia Valley and loops back to…

Gaspésie 2014

In New Richmond, hikers may be surprised to discover amid the trees, Canadian artist Dina Goldstein’s pop series Fallen Princesses. This fascinating work, which was created from 2007 to 2010  has found…

Gaspésie 2014

Vagrants. Travelers. Wanderers. These words have long exerted an influence on literature and the arts. The photographer Kitra Cahana decided to follow marginalized young men and women in America who have chosen…

Getxo Photo 2014

How and why would one fabricate a visual memory of what one has not directly experienced, in this case, in the Spanish Civil War? Because, by doing so, this event…

Getxo Photo 2014

How does one photograph war? Certainly not by repeating pictures of corpses, answers the author who decided to re-appropriate images and subject satellite views of burnt villages in Darfur –with…

Getxo Photo 2014

It is hell. Hell on earth, today, in Ghana, which in recent years has turned into one of the main destinations for electronic waste from Europe and the United States.…


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