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Salon de la Photo 2014: Sabine Weiss, 9 Photographers Pay Tribute


Nine photographers will be paying tribute to Sabine WeissCatalina Martin-Chico, Cédric Gerbehaye, Florence Levillain, Jean-Christophe Béchet, Marion Poussier, Mat Jacob, Philippe Guionie, Stéphane Lavoué and Viviane Dalles are celebrating the Swiss photographer’s 90th birthday by exhibiting one of their photographs inspired by one of Weiss’s. The photographs are displayed side-by-side and will be donated to the permanent collection of the Maison Européenne de la Photographie


Le salon de la Photo
Dear Sabine
Tribute to Sabine Weiss
From 13 to 17 november 2014
Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles
75015 Paris

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