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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

Chim: The Photographs of David Seymour

Until now, we mainly identified Chim with a few famous photographs taken during the Spanish Civil War, rediscovered with those his companions Robert Capa and Gerda Taro in the Mexican…

Joel Meyerowitz –by Jonas Cuénin

To mark the occasion of Joel Meyerowitz retrospective at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, we have decided to publish once again a portrait made by Jonas Cuénin last…

Jaimie Warren: –Female Tragedy II

Jaimie Warren has been called the Cindy Sherman of the American Midwest, with a taste for modern technology. Although their subjects differ, the similarities in interpretation and style are unmistakable.…

Linda Troeller: –Selfportraits

In this group exhibition, the gallery Ververs d’Amsterdam has included the latest work of the photographer Linda Troeller. A project of “self-representation” spanning more than 40 years, with self-portraits and…


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