Son adolescence tourne autour des cultures de la rue, thème qui l’inspire toujours aujourd’hui. Jeune, il fréquente les skateurs, graffeurs et écoute de la musique hip-hop. Il exprime ses idées…
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The WANTED series is an attempt to photograph the feelings I had while discovering New York City : I felt lonely, sometimes harassed by the noise and speed of life…
J’ai parcouru 8 500 km en Ukraine, me laissant guider par les routes. A la recherche de ces instants particuliers où le réel peut paraître étrange, où un détail peut…
A story that repeats itself with different faces when the great enterprise acquires an important work to accomplish. The technical staff of confidence, as managerial and clerical, is moved quickly…
The Galerie Polka is presenting Carnets de voyage, an exhibition by Patrick Swirc combining photographs and diaries. A renowned French portrait artist, Swirc (b. 1961) exhibited the harrowing Lettre à…
The Kim Jong Phil Command Center is located in midtown Manhattan, in a studio not far from the Lincoln Tunnel. Here, fabricated human bodies are littered about, once used to…
This Wednesday, March 6th 2013, London’s Hamiltons Gallery will open its doors to an exhibition of Erwin Olaf's most recent series ‘Berlin’. This project marks a clear break from his…
Located in the heart of M50, one of Shanghai’s celebrated art districts, the Vanguard Gallery has devoted itself since 2004 to promoting the work of young Asian artists. The exhibition…