During the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, French Culture Minister Frédéric Mitterrand announced the Pompidou Center's acquisition of the Bouqueret collection. It is now official. Nearly…

During the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, French Culture Minister Frédéric Mitterrand announced the Pompidou Center's acquisition of the Bouqueret collection. It is now official. Nearly…
Like you, we cruised during 4 days all the booths of Paris Photo. Like you, it was love at the first sight for some images. We have decided to show…
Rome, Utrecht, Saint-Petersburg, Paris, Stockholm: the spectator may not recognize them, but these are some of the places visited in City Diary, the Jena Stadtmuseum’s current exhibition, devoted to the…
Georges Hugnet: The Love Life of the Spumifers, is an exhibition of hand-painted photographic girlie postcards by the eminent Surrealist artist, poet, bookbinding designer and critic. These bizarre, lusciously painted…
The exhibition La nouvelle école de photographie sicilienne (The New School of Sicilian Photography) presents both the new generation of Sicilian photographers and their predecessors. The latter is represented by…
Albert Renger-Patzsch is today seen as the most influential proponent of New Objectivity photography. The exhibition “Of Trees and Rocks – Albert Renger-Patzsch and Ernst Jünger” presents around 30 original…
The Gallery Chatterjee & Lal in Bombay presents Exchanging Glances, a collective exhibition that brings together the work of three photographers: Fabien Charuau, Michael Bühler-Rose and Pradeep Dalal.…
Since I am quite suspicious (never under a ladder!), I always carry a good luck charm with me in my left pocket. It is a bracelet I bought in…
Everyday, Gilles Bensimon sends to his closest friends 2 photographs. Some kind of a diary in images. The day following the death of Loulou de la Falaise, the muse of…