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Brian Griffin : Black Country DADA 1969 – 1990


I have written my autobiography ……yes, I have written it myself!

In a hardback book consisting of over 216 pages telling the story of growing up amongst the factories of the Black Country, studying photography in Manchester and then going down to London to make a living as a photographer in the 70’s. All the stories and experiences over the first 20 years of my career, both good, humorous and crazy! It’s all in this book in my own words.

This book begins with an insightful introduction by my dear friend W.m. Hunt.

Black Country DADA tells truthfully what it was like to survive and make ones way through the ‘70’s and ‘80’s as a photographer. The struggle to make one’s way in such a challenging and competitive career. These were those analogue days! Richly illustrated throughout, it is now available for funding on Kickstarter.

Brian Griffin.



E: [email protected]

Instagram:  brian_griffin_photographer

Twitter:       @canadawharf


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