About the belly button by Ieva Stankutė has a special place among recent photographic publications on motherhood. An artist's book more than a photographic one, blending photographs, texts and drawings,…
Author Zoé Isle de Beauchaine
%%excerpt%% In a book published by Textuels, Sylvain Besson delivers a history of photography through the collections of the Nicéphore Nièpce Museum…
For the past fifteen years, Daniel Gordon has been composing exuberant and colourful photographs from objects made of images. Playing with the codes of photography, sculpture and painting, he blurs…
For six years, Hungarian photographer Andi Galdi Vinko photographed her daily life as a pregnant woman and later a young mother.…
Let's celebrate forty years of the Photo Poche collection through the words of its contributors: photographers Harry Gruyaert and Klavdij Sluban and photographic historians Damarice Amao and Clara Bouveresse.…
Launched in March 2021, The Darkroom Rumour online platform allows people to view a rich array of films about photography.…
With Our Daily Bread, September Books and Lalie Thébault Maviel publish a singular encyclopedia devoted to the history of bread, its presence in our lives and its economic, social, political…
With the digital platform Elles font la culture, the French Ministry of Culture intends to help women and gender minorities develop their careers.…
For its 25th edition, Paris Photo is once again accompanied by its share of satellite fairs dedicated to independent publishing, with a few newcomers […]…