Temps Zero est un projet artistique collectif associant du son ou de la musique à des images, qu'elles soient photographiques ou filmiques, lors de projections publiques créant une saisissante relation…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
The Eye of Photography presents on a monthly basis features of The Agents Club such as their Insta News, Master Series or Profiles. This is : […]…
I have been working on a color series for the past 5-6 years, questioning all along what it actually is all about? While working […]…
The deconfinement is there. Holidays are too! And with them the images of these moments of rest, celebrations, sweetness, swimming and sunbathing. However, this […]…
Glory: My Hair, My Soul, My Freedom shows hairstyles being worn by Black women. Each hairstyle presented is based on the specific model’s personal […]…
La galerie Holden Luntz a récemment diffusé le documentaire At Home with Elliott Erwitt. Dans cette vidéo, Elliott Erwitt's revient sur les moments clés de sa carrière artistique.…
There is no such thing as compromising with nature; we simply abide by how it lives and exist as a part of it. Nature […]…
Todd Webb Archive was inspired to put together this online exhibition as a small gesture of solidarity with all those who have taken to […]…
A. galerie and its owner Arnaud Adida present each week on a different theme an exhibition of the photos available for sale! This is: Supermodels A. galerie […]…