“In this series of photographs that I observe with a retrospective gaze, I play with the concept of presence, that one of the body […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Von Lintel Gallery presents its second solo exhibition of photographs by Joni Sternbach, culled from her most recent series Surfboard. Over the last twenty […]…
The 65th Prix Nadar Gens d´images is awarded to: L’odeur de la nuit était celle du jasmin – Photographs by FLORE, writings by Marguerite Duras […]…
Truth to Emotion My name is Melissa Ortiz and I am currently twenty years old and a student at ICP. For as long as […]…
Misbegotten Places My art takes me into a world that at first sight appears to exist, but then reveals itself to deviate from reality […]…
The Shore Family, female word. (latin familia) It takes years to build a family, but it only takes a second and one person to […]…
Bridging Photography and Painting Javier Molina’s effort is to bridge the gap between traditional photography and traditional painting. His work is divided into Landscape, Digital […]…
Confined by Macron V2.0 Our valiant Covid fighters are back in service. In Lou’s flat and studio, episode 2 will be about culture, an […]…
slow motion Wandering : time for walking and time to stop walking in front of nothing, in front places where nothing seems to happen […]…