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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

The origins of photography

Perhaps the most extensive exhibition ever devoted to early calotypes, curated by Sylvie Aubenas and Paul Louis Roubert.An anecdote for experts: Hans Kraus, the world’s most influential trader in…

Marie-Claire Montanari –Seeing Beauty

Marie-Claire Montanari photographs women. Her black&white carefully framed images of headless, anonymous bodies caressed by shadows celebrate the female beauty. But, while her work appears classic the photographer’s approach is…

Tony Vaccaro –1944-1945

A member of the 83rd infantry division, Tony Vaccaro landed in Normandy in June, 1944. His regiment entered Brittany and received the order to take Dol-de-Bretagne, Cancale, Saint-Malo, then…


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