« Among the subjects that he has photographed, there is one that is very dear to Ernst Haas, New York City. For nearly 40 years, he has taken pictures…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Kicken Berlin’s spring exhibit focuses on Aspects of Color, a survey ranging from the early 20th century to contemporary color works. The exhibit presents selective examples of color photography in…
It is the star exhibition of MAM in Moscow until July 15th, 25 years after the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl. Olga Sviblova presents the work of the photographer Sergey Shestakov.…
The Samburu portrait project by Lyle Owerko documents one of Africa’s last great Warrior tribes in vivid black and white renderings. As an established living record of a community in…
It is a shocking but true. Slavery is the third largest crime in the world today. Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery for the purpose of sexual exploitation…
A new book of the mexicain documentary photographer Francisco Mata has been published with the Autonomous University Metropolitan (UAM) “A Journey” on the Metro in Mexico City. The book includes…
David Schonauer’s press review this week focuses primarily on the death of Osama Bin Laden. Schonauer opens the review with official White House photographer Pete Souza (New York Times) showing…
Ari Marcopoulos’ latest book Directory (Rizzoli) does not only share the size, shape and quality with a phone book – it actually has the same printer as well. Magnus Naddermier…
Mark’s last name undoubtedly presaged a brilliant career. It wasn’t luck that led this British photographer to devote his talent to observing a country, Poland, but an initial…