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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Olivier Borson –Travels

Olivier Borson, 48, lives in Trois-basins on the island of Reunion. Contemplative, he said: "Through photographs of landscapes or cities that I gleaned in the course of my travels, I…

Berlin: Le mur (dé)mesuré

In June 1984, two German photographers, Philipp J. Bösel and Burkhard Maus, have meticulously photographed meter by meter the part of the Berlin Wall that cut the city in diagonal…

David Schonauer

There was no doubt that last week’s news in the U.S. would be dominated by the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York…

Michel Philippot

It’s a Fall season that I find a bit sad. Events to say the least that are important, and a photographic treatment from the papers that hasn’t met the challenge.…

Ralph Eugène Meatyard

The core of this Ralph Eugene Meatyard exhibition comes from a private collection that represents the breadth and soul of Meatyard’s work. One part of the exhibition focuses on the…


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