It is eight o’clock in the morning, all is calm and peaceful. A few people drink their coffee in their rooms. At noon, some eat in the reception room, others…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Along the Saint Lawrence River, the oldest waterway of North America, fishing boats are becoming rare. For forty years, the fishermen have been trying to protect their activity, but today…
To be commercialised in France, a seed must be registered in the official catalogue of species and varieties. This catalogue guarantees a standardisation for farmers who buy these seeds each…
On the 22 islands along Peru's coastline, life is regulated by the harvesting of guano - sea bird droppings. In the 19th century already, Peru exported this product in large…
The psychiatric hospital La Borda, located in the centre of Buenos Aires, is the most important of all of Argentina. It is comprised of 14 blocks and 22 houses. The…
The American Kate Brooks has spent the last ten years—a third of her life—covering wars around the world. In the pure photo journalistic tradition, she provides an objective vision of…
Tucked away in the hills of Yamanashi prefecture, the building of the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (KMoPA) sits like a giant Budhha among the evergreens. Made of poured concrete,…
Territories of Desire, currently on view at the Tampere Art Museum during Finland’s Backlight Festival, is featuring young Russian photographers. We feel it is important to devote today’s Lettre…