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in focus Galerie, B. Arnold presents Alvin Booth’s In House Nudes, which is accompanied by Edition Vervais’s publication of the work. In House Nudes […]…
The Galerie Ilan Benattar presents Jérôme Sainte Rose‘s exhibition entitled Nixipae – Experience Ayahuasca. Saint Rose presents it thus: Through personal connections, I met […]…
Rhona Bitner’s photographs depict the physical and material domains of music, dance, and the theater, among other subjects. The exhibition Rhona Bitner: Resound marks […]…
Gallery Fifty One Too presents the fourth solo exhibition of Japanese photographer Yamamoto Masao (°1957). In ‘Tomosu’ the artist shows new work, including a […]…
Roots – the modern parenthood My ongoing project delves into the complex realm of modern parenthood, aiming to meditate on and examine its essence […]…
Amricord “Amricord”, in the dialect of the province of Parma, “I remember”, represented for me the incipit of one of the many stories that […]…
Apparitions What desire or fear lurks in your eyes, traces of light in the night? Vague sense of death, what holds you back and […]…
700 meters I remember when at the age of fourteen we were queueing in front of the corner phone box: it was ragged and […]…
The Penguin Pool The Penguin Pool at London Zoo was designed by the pioneering architect Berthold Lubetkin in 1934. His creative design is a […]…