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Jeu de Paume : Julia Margaret Cameron : Capturing Beauty


The Jeu de Paume pays tribute to Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879), pioneer woman of photographic portraiture, through an exhibition presented until January 28, 2024.

First retrospective of this magnitude devoted to her in France in 40 years, « Julia Margaret Cameron. Capturer la beauté » reveals around a hundred photographs, from her first experiments to historical, literary or allegorical figurative compositions, including an impressive gallery of portraits of her contemporaries. Her approach, very personal and so criticised in her time, to photographic technique, from blur to various errors, has established itself as the mark of a pioneering style, integrating imperfection and accident in an innovative way. Original and timeless, the work, produced in barely a decade, between 1864 and 1875, represents one of the most beautiful illustrations of the epic breath of the beginnings of photography.

The exhibition, produced by the Victoria and Albert Museum, is mainly made up of works by the artist from the collections of the British museum. For the Parisian stage of this exhibition, the only one in Europe, it benefits from exceptional loans from the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), the Musée d’Orsay and the Maison Victor Hugo.


“There is no distinction between my work and my life and I think that was true for her as well. Her work is a celebration of love, which for me is the greatest thing art can accomplish.”
Nan Goldin on Julia Margaret Cameron, 2016


Julia Margaret Cameron : Capturer la beauté
until January 28, 2024
Jeu de Paume
1, place de la Concorde 75001 Paris
01 47 03 12 50

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