Archives – April 28 2023 The alchemy of a photograph “When photography is good, it’s pretty interesting, and when it is very good, it […]…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Archives – April 28 2023 Elliott Erwitt, the American documentary photographer who has had a substantial impact on contemporary photography, is best known for […]…
Archives – April 28 202 Ways of seeing “To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary […]…
La galerie Holden Luntz a récemment diffusé le documentaire At Home with Elliott Erwitt. Dans cette vidéo, Elliott Erwitt's revient sur les moments clés de sa carrière artistique.…
Until December 20th, Les filles du calvaire gallery is exhibiting Katrien de Blauwer with Why I Fear Red, Love Blue (And) Hate Yellow. The gallery […]…
Les filles du calvaire gallery presents the images of Lore Stessel At the same time as those of Katrien de Blauwer until December 20th. […]…
Until December 2, the Chiaroscuro Gallery in Santa Fe is exhibiting Renate Aller. The latter presents her images as follows: “’Commensalism’ is a relationship […]…
Timeless, colorful, the images of America taken by photographer Carl Corey are among those that fascinate Europeans. Revealed by the Galerie Catherine and André […]…
The Galerie Talmart recently presented the exhibition Au fil de l’eau by Senegalese photographer Adama Sylla as part of AKAA (Also Known As Africa) […]…
Untill january 6 th, the Haines Gallery presents David Maisel : Un/Earthed. For over thirty years, Maisel has created photographs of sites transformed by […]…