Carole Naggar sent us this excerpt from her preface for the book EUROPA by Dominique Souse published by Mare & Martin. Europa is not […]…
Author Carole Naggar
The just-published massive anthology Flashpoint! (576 pages and 760 images) presents a global selection of photographs, photobooks, zines, posters, pamphlets, independent journals, and alternative […]…
Carole Naggar sent us this excerpt from her preface for the book EUROPA by Dominique Souse published by Mare & Martin. Europa is not […]…
THOSE YEARS, LOGBOOK by Carole Naggar Is it nostalgia talking? It seems to me that those years were light, open, curious. Photography was brand […]…
“Chim used his camera the way a doctor takes his stethoscope out of his bag, applying his diagnosis to the condition of the heart; […]…
David Bacher : A Tale of Two Cities by Carole Naggar The history of photographers’ movements between New York and Paris dates back to the […]…
How does a young Frenchman, born during World War II in a good family, the son of a civil servant posted to Morocco, become a photographer? His itinerary, off the beaten…
PICTO and RICHARD TAITTINGER GALLERY present the exhibition 70 YEARS OF CORRESPONDENCES: MAGNUM PHOTOS AND PICTO 1950-2020, curated by Photography historian Carole Naggar. A […]…
How does a young Frenchman, born during World War II in a good family, the son of a civil servant posted to Morocco, become a photographer? His itinerary, off the beaten…
Tereska et son photographe : récit de Carole Naggar avec des photographies de David « Chim » Seymour
David Ghetto de Varsovie Septembre 1948 Varsovie, ma Varsovie, qu’ont-ils fait de toi? Là où il y avait des maisons, des monuments, des […]…