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The Eye Photography: World Photography Art History, Latest News and Photography Events

The Eye of Photography is the ultimate digital magazine where everything about photography art is published daily, highlighted, discussed and archived for all professionals and amateurs, in English and French. Its Agenda compiles the most comprehensive selection of photography events in the world (photography exhibitions, art fairs, awards, lectures, workshops…).

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Echo Fine Arts : Olivier Valsecchi : Equilibrium

Echo Fine Arts presents for the first time "Equilibrium", a solo exhibition by French artist Olivier Valsecchi highlighting his eponymous series as well as his latest works: Amazon and Stark Naked.   Equilibrium - Definition 1: a state of mental and emotional balance b: a state of adjustment between divergent or opposing influences or elements 2: a state of equilibrium between opposing forces or actions that may be static or…

The Questionnaire : Philippe Blache by Carole Schmitz

Beauty, complexity and cruelty Born in 1948 in Toulouse, Philippe Blache has always seen his mother paint, and this is how he became familiar with the world of art. But very early on it was photography that attracted him, and more particularly the work of the photographer Edward Weston. Equipped with a 24x36 Miranda, he developed his films in the kitchen and when the day was over, it was the…

Topographie de l’art : Isabelle Lévénez : Women warriors women in combat

Until May 7, the Topographie de l’art exhibition space presents an exhibition entitled: Femmes guerrières femmes en combat (Women warriors women in combat). We will come back to this exhibition but it is the work of Isabelle Lévénez, at the origin of the exhibition, who died last year that we have chosen to show here. It was the curator of the exhibition Isabelle de Maison Rouge who gave us this…


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