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The Eye Photography: World Photography Art History, Latest News and Photography Events

The Eye of Photography is the ultimate digital magazine where everything about photography art is published daily, highlighted, discussed and archived for all professionals and amateurs, in English and French. Its Agenda compiles the most comprehensive selection of photography events in the world (photography exhibitions, art fairs, awards, lectures, workshops…).

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Editorial : The Rencontres d’Arles are dead : Long live Arles Basel !

As soon as you see the first two exhibitions of Luma: James Barnor and Arthur Jafa: you understand: the scenography is sublime and the presentation perfect, Arles has entered contemporary art and we have just changed eras. The city breathes this change. Every day, houses, apartments, buildings change owners. This week, half of the city was under Airbnb status and 115 shops had turned into paying galleries. 300 meters from…

Twentieth Gallery Hollywood Hills : Henzel Studio : Erode – Morph Bloom

Swedish rug publisher and experimental designer Henzel Studio celebrates years of collaborations with women contemporary artists and photographers with the exhibition Erode – Morph – Bloom, currently on view at Twentieth Gallery’s new Hollywood Hills location. Erode – Morph – Bloom features artworks and limited-edition design collaborations by seminal contemporary artists Vanessa Beecroft, Nan Goldin, Kim Gordon, Katerina Jebb, Mary McCartney, and Marilyn Minter. The exhibition, curated by Joakim Andreasson,…

Isabelle Cerneau

Architecture of the Contemplatives In the early morning, in Saint-Gervais, Paris becomes this silence where God makes his voice heard. They are twenty. Whatever their age, their studies, their origin, the same call unites them: to contemplate God in the city of men. They have chosen to devote half their time to prayer, morning, noon and evening, as well as to sororal life: solitary or community prayer; silent or sung…

Etienne Renzo - 1975, Returns from China - One year in Arles


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