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The Eye Photography: World Photography Art History, Latest News and Photography Events

The Eye of Photography is the ultimate digital magazine where everything about photography art is published daily, highlighted, discussed and archived for all professionals and amateurs, in English and French. Its Agenda compiles the most comprehensive selection of photography events in the world (photography exhibitions, art fairs, awards, lectures, workshops…).

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The Questionnaire : Philippe Blache by Carole Schmitz

Beauty, complexity and cruelty Born in 1948 in Toulouse, Philippe Blache has always seen his mother paint, and this is how he became familiar with the world of art. But very early on it was photography that attracted him, and more particularly the work of the photographer Edward Weston. Equipped with a 24x36 Miranda, he developed his films in the kitchen and when the day was over, it was the…

Stefano Sabene

Shir Hashirim The Song of Songs is the most poetic book in the Bible. In just 117 verses the poem stages the most lyrical representation of the love between a man and a woman. The photographic project is inspired by this wonderful and musical text. The number of images, twenty-six, is not accidental: in Judaism the number refers to the sacred tetragrammaton הוהי "YHWH". Like a filigree signature, the word…

Sotheby's : Helmut Newton diptych sold $670,000

Sotheby’s auction of Photographs in New York on April 3rd totaled $3,323,000, nearing its high estimate of $3.4 million. Four bidders drove Helmut Newton’s diptych ‘Sie Kommen (Dressed)' & 'Sie Kommen (Naked)’ to $670,000, well above its high estimate of $250,000 and the second-highest price for the artist at auction. Further highlights of the sale included Man Ray’s photogram Rayograph, which sold for $250,000 (est. $250/350,000), an impressive mural-sized print of Ansel Adams’s Yosemite Valley from…


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