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Maison Doisneau – Lavoir Numérique : Mary Ellen Mark : the lives of women


From June 17 to August 14, 2022, Maison Doisneau presents Mary Ellen Mark, the lives of women and Lavoir Numérique L’été au Lavoir.

Mary Ellen Mark (Philadelphia, 1940 – New York, 2015) is probably one of the most unique photographers of the 20th century.
She belongs to this family of artists who measured themselves against the reality of the world and who questioned the margins of our societies where the gazes of prostitutes, drug addicts and the marginalized are hidden.
The exhibition presents images selected by the photographer in the early 2000s while she was putting her archives in order; the images show the commitment that was hers through the figure that crosses the entire work of Mary Ellen Mark, that of the WOMANof whom she had made herself a spokesperson.


été au lavoir
from June 16 to August 14, 2022

Le Lavoir Numérique
4 rue de Freiberg
94250 Gentilly

Maison de la Photographie Robert Doisneau
1 rue de la Division du General Leclerc
94250 Gentilly


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