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17th European Festival of Nude Photography in Arles


Created in Arles in 2001 by the French photographers Bruno Rédarès and Bernard Minier, the European Festival of Nude Photography is the only major photography event, both in France and Europe, on the theme of the nude and more generally of the body.

Completely independent from the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, the Festival is a feature of the cultural landscape of the city of Arles. Each year, it showcases some forty artists of various backgrounds. All exhibitions combined, the festival welcomes some 15,000 visitors annually.

After a few years’ partnership with the Baux de Provence, the event is once again centered in Arles, a city known around the world for photography, and enjoys new local sponsors and new exhibition spaces.

This year, the exhibitions are held in some of the most emblematic venues in the heart of the city. A host of activities, workshops, talks, and meetings accompany the event throughout its duration, creating a friendly and convivial environment.

Over the fifteen years of its existence, the Festival has been associated with such photographers as Jean-François Bauret, Georges Tourdjman, Uwe Ommer, Jeanloup Sieff, Hans Silvester… It has always offered an eclectic selection, spotlighting younger talents, and presented a contemporary treatment of the body through a diversity of artistic approaches.

After a focus on China in 2016, the Festival has launched a new cultural exchange with Italy, which is represented by a dozen artists. This in turn means a cooperation with the Archivo Fotografico Italiano (AFI) and the Festival Fotografico Europeo in Milan, a wonderful opportunity for all the photographers featured in the 2017 edition.

17th Festival européen de la photo de nu d’Arles
May 5 to 14, 2017

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