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Zmâla : GradeZero


Zmâla : GradeZero

GradeZero calls for a subjective and partial approach on the abandoned places and the industrial patrimony through seven different visions and aesthetics.

GradeZero gathers seven photographers around a common fascination for abandoned places and industrial patrimony. The fast evolution of our society leaves on the side of the road many work places, considered inadequate under the new economic conditions. Once filled with life and generators of wealth, today they are abandoned and dying. Even as waste lands, they remain a testimony of the talent of men. A trace must be kept before their place is no longer useful or necessary. 7 views are confronted, 7 different aesthetics, 7 ways to answer the same question: What’s left after the silence has settled in? Maybe beauty in chaos, a certain light or a particular color, spaces that stay inhabited even after being left deserted. In the end the reminiscence of a patrimony both human and aesthetic, by means of an approach that claims to be subjective and partial.

Places in process

Today empty and abandoned, the waste lands have been sites of wealth and value. Even absent physically, men are always here: Through their traces, their work, mostly their energy. More than architectural patrimony, these wastelands are a living testimony of this engagement. In some sort of “inventory before liquidation”, photography aims to follow, or even rebuild, this history. And after history? The cycle continues. Astonishingly, every place captures its freedom and own colors, Nature regains its rights in taking advantage of this moment of quietness. Until…abandoned places, the wastelands are also places in process.

c/o Frédéric Betsch, 138, rue de la Jarry, 94300 Vincennes – France
+33 6 22 00 12 57
[email protected]

Photographes :
• Frédéric Betsch
+33 (0)6 22 00 12 57 | [email protected]
• Julien Hilaire
+33 (0)6 99 78 96 49 | [email protected]
• Emmanuel Luc
+33 (0)6 89 69 54 79 | [email protected]
• Antoine Magnier
+33 (0)6 16 60 72 94 | [email protected]
• Nadir Merkal
+33 (0)6 79 45 65 47 | [email protected]
• Philippe Poinçot
+33 (0)6 22 11 00 21 | [email protected]
• Guillaume Robert
+42 19 08 73 99 44 | [email protected]

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