Like Saint Francis of Assisi said to his father, after he was imprisoned, flogged, accused of been a swindler, dishinderit, repudiated, stripped of his clothes, reproached, judged and abandoned by him:
“Listen everybody and understand me: till now, I have named Pedro Bernardone to my father, but as long as I have the intention to make a commitment to God’s service, I return him the money because of which he’s so angry and all the clothes that he has given me, and I want to tell from now on: Our Father, who art in heaven, and not Father Bernardone”.
The series build a treatment about the ascetic and mystic relationship with my father. A cathartic circuit that at the same time is the discharge of the inherited culpability, the repression and the thirst of superiority learned in the family circle and that is sacralized by religion.
It’s an answer with many forms that perpetuate, symbolically and imaginary around one essentialy lacking personality who, in spite of its omission, produce a mystic and revealing experience over a trace of the wickedness that is exorcised in a violent, mysterious, divine and painful way.