This series explores the unconscious and the conscious in our lives. The communication from one to another carries on through nonverbal means: our intuitive feelings, emotions, vision flashes, and dreams. A registration of instances of this communication happens instinctively when consciousness interprets the unconscious messages and forces us to act upon them without questioning.
The idea to develop and visualize this interaction was prompted by a juxtaposition of a utilitarian carpenter’s glove and sunlight rays streaming through a door gap and forming a sharp triangle shape on the floor. In their spatial relationship to each other was born an interaction that my consciousness brought in by evaluating and associating with familiar patterns. They both attained new qualities bestowed by the consciousness. Sunlight became a tangible pool of a warm textured substance beckoning to be touched and immersed in, and the glove was elevated to an abstract notion of the human hand’s grace. The former was objectified, the latter was abstracted. The former was materialized from the eternity, the latter was spawned into the universe.
This consciously assigned interaction visually professes unconscious attributes of sunlight’s being ethereal, ever present and granted, and the carpenter’s glove being individual evidence of human presence.
It is an acknowledgment of the nonverbal communication, a light divine.