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William Gedney, a discreet work


After the exhibition Notes sur l’asphalte, une Amérique mobile et précaire last February, the Pavilion Populaire in Montpellier continues its season devoted to American photography with an exhibition entitled William Gedney: Only the Lonely, 1955-1984, from June 28th to September 17th 2017.

Without doubt, William Gedney (1932-1989) is one of the most mysterious and least well-known of the generation of American photographers who came to maturity in the years from 1960 to 1980. A situation that can doubtlessly be explained by a determined absence of self-promotion and a certain circumspection.During his lifetime Gedney only had one exhibition, cut back to 42 prints, at New York’s prestigious MoMA. There was no meaningful published work of his pictures during his career.

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