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Vivian Lembo : Wandering


After reading Jorge Luis Borges’ short story “The garden of forking paths”, a flow of images started to emerge in my mind, with such strength that I could not ignore. As it happens when a dream is so strong that it forces us to find an interpretation so life can go on, I had to find a way to get rid of the traces left by Borges’ text. What could I do, but register the images that were overwhelming me? The possibility that presented itself to me was to perform a free interpretation of the story – some sort of transposition of languages.

Wandering, comprising 25 images, is the result of this process.

The short story itself has disappeared, but the labyrinths of life have remained. And, to walk through them, we sometimes follow a trail full of forking paths, uncertainties and hesitations, which is to say, a wandering trail.

Vivian Lembo

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