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Usimages 2021


From April 17 to June 20, 2021 takes place the 4th edition of Usimages, biennial of industrial heritage photography organized by the Agglomeration Creil Sud Oise (ACSO), programmed and implemented by Diaphane, photographic center of the Hauts-de- France. This edition is fully dedicated to the biennial.

This spring, 13 exhibitions are presented in the open air in the municipalities and thus invite the inhabitants to a photographic stroll to discover the territory.

This biennial is a highlight that shows contemporary industrial photography and revisits photographic funds from various collections, with the desire to question the view of photographers on the working world and its representation.


The common thread of this edition, on the theme “Health and safety at work” appeared obvious in this period impacted by the health crisis.

Finally, each edition of Usimages is an opportunity to perpetuate the residences in companies of the Creil Sud Oise agglomeration, in order to contribute to the construction of an image bank of the activities of the territory.

This year, two young photographers will have carte blanche in the four companies that have agreed to participate in this adventure.

With the works of Eugenijus BARZDŽIUS, Mattia BALSAMINI, Cécile CUNY, Nathalie MOHADJER and Hortense SOICHET, Ioana CÎRLIG, Julien BENARD, Émeric FEHER, Laurent GÉLISE and Yannick LABROUSSE, Lars TUNBJÖRK, Lucas CASTEL and Morgane DELFOSSE’s collections the National Research and Security Institute (INRS), that of the Center des monuments nationaux Ministry of Culture (Émeric FEHER), the Bernard HEURTIER collection and with a partnership with the McCORD museum in Montreal.


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