A vintage photo-booth dropped in Brussels for a few months close to my place. Just a game at first and then a wish to speak about photography and photographers with a some humor…
Thomas Vanden Driessche (b.1979, Belgium) received his master’s degree in journalism and has been working for the United Nations Development program in Morocco and the International Committee of the Red Cross. His work has been published in international publications as Monocle, The Guardian, Le Nouvel Observateur, IDEAT. Thomas joined Out Of Focus collective in February 2011 and is a nominee photographer in the french photo agency Picturetank. Rewarded with a ‘Parole Photographique’ prize in 2009 and five PX3 awards in 2010-2011, and a ‘coup de coeur de l’ANI’ during the festival Visa pour l’image. His work has recently been exhibited in France (Transphotographiques, Festival Circulations, Boutographies), in the UK (Foto 8 summer show, Format 13 Festival) and in Brussels.