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Thierry Penneteau


Reading around the world

Nowadays, we can observe that reading is becoming less and less popular among young people. However, it must be emphasized that the habit of reading can certainly have many advantages. Reading develops creative thinking: Readers’ minds start working immediately once they start reading. When we read, our imagination is immediately transported to a completely new world. As Balzac said “I have accomplished delicious journeys, embarked on a word”. Reading is therefore an opening onto an enchanted world which makes us join the author in his writing and storytelling process. We identify with the hero, we embrace his adventures, his feelings; we thus come out of ourselves and live several lives. Reading helps to enrich your vocabulary and strengthen your language skills. Every time we read, we encounter several new words. Reading allows us to work on our memory, effortlessly revise our spelling and learn to express ourselves correctly. Thus, our command of the language becomes stronger and we grasp all the nuances. Reading is a means of fulfillment and personal development. Read help us accumulate ideas, educate ourselves and above all build our critical thinking. In short, this invites us to better understand and master the world instead of fleeing it. It is an important cultural activity that makes people more open and more tolerant. It then brings us a new interpretation of the world, and probably a more in-depth culture. It will broaden our horizon by introducing us to other cultures and other religions. Consequently, it encourages us to step out of our narrow sphere, to free our view of the world, to reduce our differences and to cling to universal values. Simone de Beauvoir said: “Reading is the key that opens the world to me.” Thus, reading is an awakening of the soul and the heart. An enjoyment of thought and feeling. This is why it becomes very important to encourage and maintain the act of reading in the formative years of life.

A child who reads will be an adult who thinks

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