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The Silver Eye : Jacques Revon : Best-Off : Alternative ecological developers


For over a year, I have been researching the possibility of developing black and white films in something other than a traditional chemical developer.

After many tests and experiments, I found that yes, it is possible!

Today I invite you to discover a selection of scanned negatives, and films from various brands, which have been processed using ingredients that have become, through successive research, so-called “alternative” developers.

I deliberately chose to photograph very varied subjects, in order to show that these alternative developers adapt to all themes, whether outdoors or indoors.

With my 19 cards/recipes already published on The Eye of Photography since September 5, 2023, the latest being a recipe proposed for making a chicory developer, you will be able to discover how to make yourself  these ecological developers and experiment with them.

It’s a beautiful and rich adventure that I summarize for you here with these few photographs chosen according to the evolution of my research, a selection of images selected from more than 160 new but also expired films, 24×36 and 6×6.

All these negatives were therefore developed in different alternative developers. The caption for each photograph tells you the ingredient I used to make the developer.

I am attaching the links with my articles which will allow you to directly find, if you wish, the recipe for the corresponding alternative developer which you might like to consult.

Jacques Revon
Honorary journalist, author, photographer.


“Film photography is initially authentic because the negative remains, even if one day it is scanned and therefore becomes digital at the risk, as we know, of being later manipulated.. » Jacques Revon


Numbers of the photographs and links with the corresponding cards/recipes.

CARD / RECIPE 3.   1 November 2023


CARD / RECIPE 4.   15 November 2023


CARD / RECIPE 15.     1 May 2024


Photos 1 / 15 / 21.     CARD / RECIPE 2.      5 September 2023


Photos 2 / 8 / 12 / 13.   CARD / RECIPE 10.     24 January 2024


And CARD / RECIPE 12.     8 March 2024


Photos 3 / 5 / 19.   CARD / RECIPE 8.     3 January 2024


Photo 4.   CARD / RECIPE 6.     29 December 2023


Photo 6.   CARD / RECIPE 9.     11 January 2024


Photos 7 et 18.     CARD / RECIPE 14.     10 April 2024


Photos 9 / 10 / 11 / 16.   CARD / RECIPE 11.     21 February 2024


Photo 14 .   CARD / RECIPE 13.     27 March 2024


Photos 20 et 22 .   CARD / RECIPE 16.   15 May 2024


Photos 23 et 26.     CARD / RECIPE 17.   29 May 2024


Photos 24 et 25.     CARD / RECIPE 18.   13 June 2024


Photos 27 / 28 / 29.   CARD / RECIPE 19. 4 Juillet 2024


Photo 17.     CARD / RECIPE 14. 10 April 2024

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