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The Silver Eye : Jacques Revon : The cocoa photo developer : a revelation! Ecological alternative development.


Before telling you about my tests with an alternative developer to cocoa, I think it is good as an introduction to this film section, to give a quick update on the supply and price of black and white film in France, as also in Europe.

The desire of the young generation to access and discover film photography.

For some time now, we have noted a certain demand from younger generations to learn and access film photography. In fact, more and more of them are already looking for an affordable camera to practice, they say: “this type of photography”. Well!

It is quite easy to find second-hand cameras from good brands, classic or reflex, and in good working order, say between 50 and 80 euros. This is initially an encouraging element, but now there is a small problem.


Films Rolls, films and papers have become too expensive.

For more than a year now, we have unfortunately seen price increases in this area, described as a “niche”, as in other sectors.

The high price of film rolls, films, as well as photographic papers, is therefore not, after the purchase of a camera, necessarily motivating for those who wish to venture into black and white photography. film that some now call “analog” in opposition to “digital”.

Certainly the reasons are known, already fewer emulsion manufacturers on the photographic market, big names in this industry have disappeared or  did not reinvest at the right time, and have lowered their flag. The digital invasion with the popularization of digital photography having quickly taken over.

Another important point, the increase in the cost of all the products used in the manufacture of photographic emulsions, mainly the price of silver metal. This precious ore undergoes more and more costly extraction, also, its price fluctuates and can even skyrocket at any time, which, as you can imagine, does not reassure the remaining manufacturers. Today, a kilo of silver metal is close to 1000 euros.

The consequences are quickly seen on the ground. Not only is the price of the different films becoming prohibitive, but among the few specialized suppliers,  we are also seeing signs out-of-stocks, without obtaining information on the next arrivals… within two months, three months…or even more for certain products related to film, and the observation there indicates: stock shortages…or restocking!…”

So, over the months and depending on the market of this “niche” of raw materials, manufacturers decide: to produce or to wait…

“Film lovers would also like to see the weather improve on this side.”


Alternative development with cocoa powder.

Cocoa powder with its 5624mg per 100g, ranks 6th in the 100 foods richest in polyphenols, just behind dried mint which I use to make my developers with aromatic herbs from my garden (see the article of March 8, 2024).

The polyphenols contained in cocoa therefore have the particularity of being similar to those contained in red wine. For connoisseurs, these are paroanthocyanidins, or if you prefer so-called condensed tannin agents.

Besides the benefits of chocolate for our health, and for me (a lover of good chocolate) there was only one step to take after my experiences of successful development in certain grape varieties. (see my previous articles).

I decided to develop this time, with this beautiful food. The environment of my little lab did not complain, on the contrary, the cocoa had a very pleasant smell. (photos 2/3/4).

A downside, however, to my great chocolate adventure. Indeed, the price of cocoa beans is currently exploding on world stock markets…and will undoubtedly have repercussions on finished products in the coming months if you know what I mean!


Making my cocoa powder developer.

1- Preparation A Dissolution of 50 grams of cocoa powder in 350 ml of distilled water at 23°.

2- Preparation B In 350 ml of distilled water at 23° and this time in this order, 8 g of vitamin C then 50 g of sodium carbonate, 6 g of iodized salt, and 10 ml of 5% potassium bisulfite to protect against rapid oxidation, finally, 3 drops of photoflo to facilitate the action of the developer in the emulsion.

3- Mixture of the two preparations A + B with good stirring. Then start filtering.

To filter you can use solid nylon coffee filters, if possible to refine the filtration, mount a sock filter sold for a swimming pool skimmer basket (see photo No. 4).


My tests and my results.

A first test of developing part of a Foma 35 mm 400 ISO film, temperature 25° duration 20 minutes. Encouraging result.

Second development tests with the same parameters of an FP4 125 ASA film, this time expired.

I then made a second developer increasing the cocoa powder by 10 grams, or 50 gr. I started with 40 gr. I modified the duration and added 10 ml at the start of dissolution B. of 5% potassium bisulfite to protect my final mixture from a too rapid oxidation. Development 25° / 28 min. This time, I noticed too much grain. Development too long. (photos 11/12/13).

A test carried out at night, during an outdoor “Jazz in the City” festival, on Foma 400 film developed at a temperature of 26° for 20 minutes. (photos 14/15/16) Interesting result too.

Other tests, the development of a 6X6 Rollei 400 film temperature 25° duration 26 minutes gave me very good results, very fine and velvety grain in the image (photos 1/5/6/7) which honestly surprised me.

Finally, I carried out one last test, developing a 135 Rollei 100 ISO film in Stand-Dev, (photos 8 / 9 / 10) temperature 22° duration 60 minutes with only two one-minute shakes, one at the start and the second after 30 minutes. Very good result! with a certain advantage, during this time, you can do something else provided that you do not forget the clock and for this, I advise you to program a small alarm of your choice.

4-Fixing then washing as recommended in the previous published sheets/recipes.


Practical reminders.

Before developing, don’t forget to pre-wet your films for 6 minutes in distilled water at around 20° in order to prepare the emulsion to receive the developer.

During development, it is recommended to reverse shake your tank  for one minute continuously from the first minute, then 10 seconds every minute throughout the entire development. Certainly it is a bit demanding but necessary to obtain good development. – I would like to remind you here that for those who have a little time, the “Stand-Dev” development solution is quite practical and allows you to obtain very good results, in particular to obtain details in low light.

Finally after washing your film, leave it in distilled water for one minute, in order to eliminate the limescale residue contained in the water.

Jacques Revon
Journaliste honoraire, auteur, photographe.


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