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The Questionnaire : Patricia Faure by Carole Schmitz


Patricia Faure: Wild & Free

Born in the 70s, Patricia Faure is above all a free woman who lives her life with passion. Self-taught, her career path is extremely atypical.
Indeed, her bohemian spirit and need to escape soon led her to travel the world, opening restaurants, bars, galleries and concept stores in the United States, Mexico and France.
Actually, she devotes most of her time to photography. Her aim: to create “art” inspired by everyday life and women’s bodies, preferably nude.
While photography is of paramount importance in her life, Patricia is also deeply moved by music, which she describes as “an incredible vector of sensations that can sublimate all emotions”. This is one of the reasons why, over 25 years ago, she decided to get behind the turntables… And yes! She’s also a DJ. Music invigorates her and seems to flow through her veins.
Instinctive, creative and dreamy too, she doesn’t hold back and is currently working on several artistic projects.


Instagram: patriciafaurephothography


What was your first photographic breakthrough?
Patricia Faure: Ever since I was a little girl. I would have liked to keep all my kodaks.

The man or woman who inspired you?
Patricia Faure: Sally Mann.

An image you haven’t made yet that you’d like to?
Patricia Faure: My nude self-portrait!

The one that moved you the most?
Patricia Faure: It’s a movie poster from “Itinéraire d’un enfant gâté” (Itinerary of a spoiled child).

The one that made you most angry?
Patricia Faure: Being asked what I shoot with!

A key image in your personal pantheon?
Patricia Faure: My grandmother with a cigarette (she didn’t smoke).

A photographic memory from your childhood?
Patricia Faure: The crowded beach in Cannes on August 15th.

The image that obsesses you?
Patricia Faure: All Martin Parr’s images.

With no budget limit, which work would you dream of acquiring?
Patricia Faure: Serge’s piano.

In your opinion, what quality is needed to be a good photographer?
Patricia Faure: To love life.

What, if any, is the secret of the perfect image?
Patricia Faure: No photo is perfect.

The person you’d most like to photograph if you had the chance?
Patricia Faure: Edouard Baer, and I’d even like him to marry me!

The photographer by whom you would like or would have liked to have your portrait taken?
Patricia Faure: Helmut, of course.

An essential photo book?
Patricia Faure: Helmut.

Your childhood camera?
Patricia Faure: A Kodak.

The one you use today?
Patricia Faure: Canon/Leica.

Your favorite drug?
Patricia Faure: Organic weed with (fresh) coconut water.

What’s the best way for you to switch off?
Patricia Faure: A Bikram class.

What is your relationship with images?
Patricia Faure: Phew! Menopause doesn’t help…

What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Patricia Faure: Wrinkles under the eyes, but always an ultra-bright smile.

What’s your greatest quality?
Patricia Faure: My stupidity.

Your latest folly?
Patricia Faure: Deciding not to drink any more alcohol.

An image to illustrate a new banknote?
Patricia Faure: No picture, but 2 words, heads: WILD, tails: FREE.

The job you wouldn’t have liked to do?
Patricia Faure: Being the wife of…

Your greatest professional extravagance?
Patricia Faure: It’s a work in progress…

What are the differences between photography and art photography?
Patricia Faure: It’s a question of point of view.

What city, country or culture would you like to discover?
Patricia Faure: More than discovering a country, city or culture, I’d like to experience living with gorillas.

The place you never tire of?
Patricia Faure: La Ponche in St Tropez.

Your biggest regret?
Patricia Faure: Not having my mother’s recipe for pesto pasta.

In terms of social networks, do you prefer Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or Snapchat, and why?
Patricia Faure: All of them, and it’s hell.

Color or B&W?
Patricia Faure: Both, Captain.

Daylight or artificial light?
Patricia Faure: Day/night.

Which city do you think is the most photogenic?
Patricia Faure: I’m not much of a city person, preferring a village, a small island, a remote path.

If God existed, would you ask him to pose for you, or would you opt for a selfie with him?
Patricia Faure: God is a Havana smoker.

If I could organize your ideal dinner party, who would be at the table?
Patricia Faure: My Parents and my brother.

The image that represents the current state of the world for you?
Patricia Faure: The Kardashians.

What’s missing in today’s world?
Patricia Faure: Treets. (For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, it was a candy done with a peanut coated in chocolate and covered in powdered sugar).

If you had to start all over again?
Patricia Faure: I already do it every morning.

A final word?
Patricia Faure: I never have dinner on the first night!

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