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The Print Center : David Graham : Windows on Latimer


Traveling throughout the United States, David Graham captures the colorful and sometimes surreal in the American landscape. He seeks out subjects that celebrate our singular freedom of expression, whether in colorful roadside attractions, idiosyncratic sculptures, or everyday people who revel in impersonating famous characters. Chronicling the American scene with this unique sensibility, Graham celebrates the creativity and dreams of the common man.

Mayfair, Philadelphia, PA, was made in the neighborhood where Graham’s father had his offices. Returning there years later in search of “the spirit of the area,” Graham found this unique structure among nondescript buildings. Attracted by Graham and his large-format, 8” x 10” camera on a tripod, the owner of the ice cream shop came out to chat. The conversation lasted long enough to allow the coincidental appearance of a figure dressed in purple clothing to walk by – serendipitously matching the color of the painted bench.


David Graham : Windows on Latimer
On view through January 18, 2023
The Print Center
1614 Latimer Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
p: 215.735.6090    [email protected]
@ThePrintCenter  #ThePrintCenter


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