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The outskirts of the world by 11 photographers


To give visibility to the human condition in its outskirts is the objective of the exhibition and the work of these photographers that have spent 24 hours in numerous cities in order to capture the siginificant elements from the diversity between the different countries.

Renata Ferri, Editor in chief of Io Donna – Corriere della Sera and coordinator of the project explains: “The aim ot documentary photographers is to communicate. Our photographers all worked on the same day. A challenge that they accepted with enthusiasm. As knowing that other photographers will be performing at the same time the same task, it turns the challenge even more interesting, and epic. And epic is the effort to bring dignity to all human conditions, in misery, or in marginalization. Dignity in the views captured and in the desecrated landscapes, dignity that photography knows how to exhalt and show when it’s about the author’s photography and about being in contact with reality. It is thus a successful challenge, that they show with pride to have been 24 hours in the outskirts of the world.”

Emiliana Tedesco

The photographers:

Arianna Arcara, Alejandro Cartegena, Marina Cavazza, Jessica Dimmock, Simona Ghizzoni, Alexander Gronsky, Alessandro Imbriaco, Pietro Masturzo, George Osodi, Valerio Spada, Munem Wasif

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