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The contemplative nature photographs of Takeshi Shikama


From the frozen waterfalls of Yukawa Valley or the stone gardens of Kyoto, in Japan, to Lake Como in Italy, Takeshi Shikama captures the contemplative moment in the artistic tradition of his country. With his new series Garden of Memory: Seeds, composed of new platinum/palladium prints created between 2014 and 2017, the Japanese artist pursues his visual inventory of the plant world with the intention of preserving its memory for future generations. The works, printed on an artisanal paper produced from the bark of the Gampi tree, recreate the subtleness of the photographer’s particular approach to light. An exhibition on view at Lunn Gallery, in Paris.



Takeshi Shikama, New Works
Through March 31st
On appointment
Lunn Galerie
130 Rue la Fayette
75010 Paris

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