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Erna Hecey : Suzanne Lafont : How Things Think


In How Things Think, Suzanne Lafont brings together images from various bodies of work she has been developing since the early 1990s. Here the images are arranged and reactivated in a specific way to create a new situation: the exhibition. The chosen framework is the theatrical model. “A situation is dependent on the interplay of elements.” As this statement illustrates, Suzanne Lafont’s photographic practice has developed through associations. The artwork (or the exhibition, or the book) is an arrangement of fragmented elements, that can be temporary: photographic images in variable media and formats, often accompanied by a word or group of words.

The arbitrary juxtaposition of elements and the nature of the assembled objects recall post-Cubist collages or papiers collés. Grouped together under the heading Accessories Counter, ordinary things – work gloves, food cans, cooking utensils, chairs -set up on a stage where they take on a gestural function and express intention over the general situation. Hence the exhibition’s title, How Things Think. 

The exhibition is on view at Erna Hecey, Luxembourg, from 24 April to 14 August 2021.


Suzanne Lafont : How Things Think

24 April – 14 August 2021

Erna Hecey Gallery

20c bld. Emmanuel Servais, L-2535 Luxembourg





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