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Strasbourg : Du Zhenjun and Vincent Debanne


The works of Du Zhenjun and Vincent Debanne both draw our attention toward urban landscapes, their limits, and where they are headed. In the center of the city and its excesses, man feels disoriented, helpless against this environment which he himself built.

Du Zhenjun is an internationally-recognized Chinese artist working in multimedia and installations. He has lived in Paris for ten years, and was educated at the School of Fine Arts in Shanghai and the Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts in Rennes, France.

Vincent Debanne is a young artist who uses digital image processing and manipulation to offer a perspective on the economic, social and political dimensions of our world.

Read the full text of this article on the French version of Le Journal.

Utopie / Dystopie
From October 19th to December 2nd, 2012
La Chambre – Exposition Hors les Murs
Maillon – Wacken
Parc des Expositions
Place Adrien Zeller
67000 Strasbourg
Free Entrance
Tuesday – Friday : 5pm – 8pm
Day of shows : 5pm – 11pm
Closed during holidays.

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