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SFR Young Talents 2012, Favorites


All year long, SFR Young Talents hosts contests during local festivalsto give young photographers exhibition spaces. The three winners of SFR Young Talents will show their work at the Galerie Côté Seine in park of Bagatelle in Paris until March 25.
Kourtey Roy worked on a series of self-portraits entitled The Ideal Woman. Inspired by advertisements, movies and pornography of the 50’s, the young 30-year-old photographer paints a picture of the stereotyped woman of the period.

Julie Fisher’s frozen landscapes take spectators through Finland via footprints. With Suite Blanche, the photographer captures signs of life in this cold and hostile winter environment.

Huis-Clos is the joint work of Amélie Chassary and Lucie Belarbi; it expose the rituals of daily family life. These artistic pictures capture the bond we keep with the space and objects around us.

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