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SE Center for Photography : Daniel Sackheim : Unseen


Daniel Sackheim presents photographs from his series Unseen, combining street photography and cinematic qualities rooted in his acclaimed film and television background and interests in film noir, in a new solo exhibition at The SE Center for Photography.

Unfolding around Los Angeles, Unseen examines the enigmatic nature of urban landscapes, narrative, and a prominent use of stark lighting and shadow, which imply not only a cinematic sensibility but also dramatize everyday patterns and behavior with mysterious intent.

“This body of work explores life in the shadows of an urban jungle,” says Sackheim. “My inquisitiveness is rooted in a need to discover the secrets that lie hidden deep within even the most forbidding corners of the city. To excavate the past, to stare into the faces of ghosts long forgotten. Inspired by the visual aesthetic of Film Noir, this work explores isolated fragments of subjects once there but now gone, as a means of shining a light on what is hidden, if only for an instant.”


Daniel Sackheim : Unseen
Through September 28, 2024, with an opening reception on September 6th, 6 – 8 PM.
SE Center for Photography
116 E Broad St.
Greenville, SC 29601

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