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Edition Lammerhuber : Salzburger Festspiele by Luigi Caputo


Luigi Caputo has accompanied the Salzburg Festival with his camera for almost three decades. His pictures tell of a magical world, a world of miraculous transformations full of graceful beauty and fairytale-like elegance. His pictures testify to the fact that the Salzburg Festival, thanks to its excellence of knowledge, tradition, innovation and creativity, is regarded worldwide as a paragon of theatrical perfection. Caputo shows how some of the greatest stars of the opera world curiously try on their costumes or how some of the most gifted costume designers develop their designs full of passionate competence. With nearly Buddhist discipline, he observes how much great passion it takes to rehearse a piece as it was dreamed of, how much sweat and even more strength it costs to transform a musical composition into a work of art made of movements.


Luigi Caputo : Salzburger Festspiele
Hommage to a Gesamtkunstwerk
Edition Lammerhuber
27 × 27 cm
248 pages, 152 photos
English, German
Hardcover, bound in linen
„French Fold“-jacket
ISBN 978-3-903101-97-5
EUR 59,00

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