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The Onions of Denis Brihat


For all those who have had the chance to admire one or two photographic works by Denis Brihat, simply representing onions, a new chance is offered. Indeed, the excellent publishing house of photography books: “le bec en l’air”, has put together a superb new book for us, on Denis.

This book is one of the major books that a connoisseur of the photographic sphere must have in his personal library.

First of all because this book is well done, beautiful and coherent in the richness of its simplicity. It’s Denis Brihat, it’s his onions in a bookish rendering which takes us, with his reproductions of numbered originals, into our imagination of reality.

Then, it is the Druid master of photography with his magic potions which restore to us, truer than nature, what we want to see. Colors and lights that match what each of us hopes to find. Behind this subtle alchemy which allows colors to be canceled to better resurrect them, in delicate harmonies, hides a great photographer, a master of photography, a perfectionist of the image. One of the last photographers, expert from start to finish in capturing light and mastering it in all its aspects.

This book is essential to discover that Denis is not only a very gifted manipulator of chemicals, he is also an exceptional photographer. Each image reproduced in this book, in its lighting, in its composition, in its nuances, in its contrast, play in tune, not a single false note. All photographic requirements and obligations are met.

If it is fashionable, to ignore the so-called rules and constraints of design. Although every day worthless images are imposed on us. It is essential to keep at  home the memory of these photographs from before, these works which speak to us to transport us.

This very affordable book is truly exceptional for all those for whom the word “photography” resembles the brilliant inspiration and know-how of photographers, like Denis.

Thierry Maindrault


the book has been available since the end of 2023
128 pages
70 color, black and white photographs
dimensions 21 x 26 cm
cardboard and cloth binding
ISBN 978-2-36744-181-8
42.00 euros + shipping costs

direct onligne purchase

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