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Ronen Goldman: Surrealistic Dreams


Ronen Goldman, a conceptual photographer and artist from Tel Aviv, recreates his dreams through surreal photography.

Most photographs start with a dream, or part of a dream I remember. I do this by writing down different elements from dreams when I first wake up. Sometimes its just an abstract feeling, and others it is tied to actual elements.

I then try and figure out what the overall atmosphere of the dream was, and why it has affected me so. 

I try and conjure up an image that corresponds to that dream and create the scene in my mind. 

Once that whole process is done, I switch on my photographer brain and start to try and figure out how I can technically execute the idea. 

I gather the elements, the people needed, scout locations and times of day and research the light and how it falls on the surroundings at different times. 

Once I have all the info I need I set a date with the people involved (usually the model and another person only, due to budget constraints) 

And make the image happen. 

I then go into post processing, until I am happy with the result. 

This whole process can take months, and it is why I have about 20 images over a time span of six years. 

Nowadays the whole process is much quicker.

Ronen Goldman.

The project has been exhibited in Spain, England, Singapore and Belgium. 
Ronen is currently looking for new gallery representation in Europe.

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